Case Discussion

Early postoperative findings are summarized in the three month postoperative film in Figure 4. Until this point the horse has received handwalking exercise only, beginning two weeks postop with 15 minutes twice daily, and increasing by 15 minutes each week until one hour twice daily is reached.

Figure 4
Figure 4

Given the positive radiographic findings seen in Figure 4, exercise under saddle may begin, again starting at the walk for 15-20 minutes twice daily and gradually escalating. After 4 weeks, the first short periods of trotting may begin, beginning with 10 minutes trot/ 20 minutes walk for 2 repetitions. Each week, the trot is lengthened by 5 minutes until 25 minutes trot/ 10 minutes walk is reached. We feel strongly that such a controlled exercise program is essential to rehabilitation, and it is to be used to the EXCLUSION of exercise at will at pasture. The radiograph in Figure 5, taken at relatively high KV, gives a good idea of the degree of fusion (and relative absence of exuberant proliferative changes) at 2.5 years postop.

Figure 5
Figure 5

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