AO ASIF Education and Training
Since 1958 when the Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (AO ASIF)
was founded by Martin Allgöwer, Maurice E. Müller, Robert Schneider, and Hans
Willenegger, the founding members recognized the importance of teaching and training
for surgeons and operating room personnel. This was the start of an ever-increasing
worldwide teaching activity that has continued to this day. North American AO ASIF
educational activities for 2003 course schedule are listed below. Should you
need additional information, correspondence can be addressed to:
Phone: (800) 769-1391 or (610) 695-2459
Fax: (610) 695-2420
Spine Course Registration: (800) 769-1391 x7486
AO ASIF Spine Course for Residents and Fellows | COURSE INFORMATION | |
January 25 - 26, 2003 | Washington, DC | |
AO ASIF Comprehensive and Interactive Spine Courses | COURSE INFORMATION | |
February 27 - March 2, 2003 | Sun Valley, Idaho | |
**Integrating Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic Spinal Concepts and Techniques
All Courses Subject to Modification