Standard Insertion Assembly
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- (1) Slide the femoral nail over the guide rod. Manually insert the nail
into the medullary canal as far as possible.
- (2) Screw the Threaded Conical Bolt (A) into theproximal end of the
nail. Pass the Insertion Handle (B) over the bolt. Be sure to use the
conical bolt and Insertion Handle that correspond to the diameter of
the nail to be inserted. The Insertion Handle should be oriented
laterally, and its tabs must engage the positioning notches of the nail.
- (3) Using the Insertion Handle to control nail rotation, tighten the
conical bolt with the Combination Wrench or Cannulated Socket
Wrench. Mount the appropriate Locking Nut (C) onto the conical
bolt, and tighten with the 4.5 mm Pin Wrench.
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