DHS Surgical Technique, contd.

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2. Align the appropriate DHS Angle Guide along the axis of the femoral shaft, and place it on the femur. Point the guide tube toward the center of the femoral head. Predrilling of the lateral cortex with the 2.0 mm Drill Bit is recommended in dense bone. Insert a DHS/DCS Guide Pin through the appropriate DHS Angle Guide, parallel to the anteversion pin and directed toward the center of the femoral head. This point of introduction varies with barrel angle. When a 135° barrel angle is used, the guide pin enters the proximal femur approximately 2.5 cm distal to the vastus ridge.

Notes to Step 2:
Because it is designed for use with the DHS/DCS instruments and implants, the DHS/DCS Guide Pin, and not an alternate pin, must be used. This guide pin remains in place throughout the procedure. If it is inadvertently withdrawn, reinsert it immediately. (See "Reinserting the DHS/DCS Guide Pin")

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