AO North America
John Border Memorial European Trauma Fellowship

This fellowship has been established by AO North America with the support of AO International in Switzerland.


The candidate must have completed his or her final year of surgical residency prior to taking the fellowship and be within one year of completion of a trauma fellowship following his/her formal training. The candidate must also have an academic surgical appointment upon completion of the fellowship.

Application Procedure:

An application will consist of the following:

1. A completed AO International Standard Fellowship application form
2. A letter of reference from the applicants Chief of Service
3. A letter of recommendation from a second appropriate sponsor
4. A curriculum vitae, a brief biography, and a cover letter from the applicant outlining his /her reason for wishing to take the John Border Memorial Fellowship.

Applications are available from the AO North America office. Completed applications with supporting documents must be received by December 1st of each year.The Fellowship Award:

The successful candidate will be notified by the Chairman of the Selection Committee. The award will consist of round trip travel expenses to the site of the fellowship in Europe and a monthly stipend for up to three months to support living expenses at the fellowship site. Support for family members is not included. The fellowship will take place at major AO Trauma Centers in Europe. The recipient of this fellowship will be invited as a junior faculty member at a North American AO ASIF Course in the year following his/her fellowship, with travel and lodging expenses paid by the AO course organization.

Applications can be obtained by contacting:

AO North America
1690 Russell Road
Paoli, PA 19301-0800
Phone: 610.251.9007
Fax: 610-251-9059

You also have the option to view and print the form by clicking here.